Hate Groups In American History

The Salem Witch Trials were a terrible time in American history. Events such as this have also been related to what the former group, The House of Un- American Activities Committee (HUAC) did to people mostly in Hollywood over the belief that they were communist. The Puritans and the HUAC relate by the harm and outcome of what happened to innocent people. American have plenty of historical lessons about how labeling hurts, and this leads to discrimination, harassment, or even murder. Hate groups should be called out for what they truly are.

Communism was on the rise in the mid 20th century,  so certain groups were created to end this in the U.S. The HUAC was formed to end the so called communist revolution. The U.S. government target all types of people, but mostly people in Hollywood, CA. These actors, film writers, producers, and directors were targeted mainly for the fact that most of them disagreed with the American idea of democracy, or that they were form foreign countries. This group that was set up shows what labeling can do to those people who lost their careers, families, and life.

The Puritans were a religious group in the 1700’s. This groups was popularly known for  The Salem Witch Trials, which was the killing of innocent women. Little girls, young women, and mothers were hung, murdered, or drowned for supposedly being a witch of Satin. They were thought to be witches for playing with fire, having fun, or disobeying the men. Due to that fact that they were witches they were killed, but women who weren’t even accused of being witches were killed too because if they could survive something like be drowned they were witches.

After hearing about what the Puritans and HUAC did to innocent people it shows you what people are capable of. These groups fit under the definition of a hate group under American law. Murder, and discrimination hurt so badly. The historical lessons that children learn in class every day are men’t to make sure that things in history like this never happen again. Thank You.

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